Over 80% of travelers book their accommodation online. The online presence of your hotel and your hotel website have never been so important. Learn about proven e-commerce strategies and best practices to grow direct website bookings for your hotel.
In this webinar, you’ll get:
- Website best practices for capturing more leads
- Tactics for driving sales using your booking engine
- Goals for getting more conversions with your payment gateway
- Practical tips and tricks to attracting more direct bookings
Tarun Goyal
Speaker Tarun Goyal is the founder and CEO of Simplotel, a Cloudbeds partner company that provides eCommerce solutions, like responsive, search engine optimized websites for hotels with a mission to drive more direct bookings.
Speaker Tarun Goyal is the founder and CEO of Simplotel, a Cloudbeds partner company that provides eCommerce solutions, like responsive, search engine optimized websites for hotels with a mission to drive more direct bookings.