Is your hotel losing revenue to chargebacks? Learn how to protect your profits by optimizing your operations and implementing modern payment solutions.
Join us on March 19th for a free webinar that will show you how to identify chargeback risks, leverage your PMS for protection, and streamline your payment processes.
Register now to learn from industry experts and get your questions answered live!
What to Expect:
✔️ Hotel Operations & Risks: Discover how your everyday operations can impact chargeback risk.
✔️ Understanding Your Hotel Business & Travelers: Analyze guest behavior and payment preferences to identify potential vulnerabilities
✔️ Leveraging your PMS for Chargeback Protection: Unlock the power of your Cloudbeds PMS to prevent chargebacks
✔️ Dispute Management Portal: Simplify dispute resolution and minimize losses
✔️ Q&A session: Ask your questions live from our industry experts.
And much more!
Can’t attend live?
No problem! Register anyway, and we’ll send you a recording after the session.