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The cost of poor PMS UX
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The cost of poor PMS UX

Hidden in plain sight:
The cost of PMS UX

A well-designed PMS simplifies training and onboarding, making it easy to get new team members up to speed fast. See how much time and money the right PMS can save your property.
ROI from UX Investment

Hotels using Cloudbeds report significant time and cost savings from implementing an intuitive, user-friendly technology. Consider the following scenario of a hotel with 15 front desk employees (both frontline and management), 40.5% annual employee churn rate, and average hourly wage of $20.

If a hotel is able to reduce new employee training time from 40 hours to just 4.5 hours with a user-centric platform like Cloudbeds—a savings of 35.5 hours per employee—the training time and cost savings would be:

TRAINING TIME SAVED: 35.5 hours x 15 employees x 1.4 = 746 hours saved per year.

TRAINING COSTS SAVED: 745.5 hours x $20 per hour = $14,910 saved per year.

How much could your property save?
Number of employees
Average hourly wage
Cost Savings
Training Hours Saved

Such cost savings can be reinvested into more productive initiatives, like enhancing the guest experience, upskilling employees in revenue management or marketing, or simply improving the bottom line. Considering the significant labor challenges facing the hospitality industry, the ROI of investing in user-friendly technology becomes even more compelling.

Discover the impact of good PMS UX on hotels.
Read the report
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