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Government compliance – Albania
Government compliance – Albania

Government compliance - Albania


Current Mandates:

The Albanian government requires real-time declaration of both B2B and B2C invoices to the General Directorate for Tax (DPT) (Drejtoria e PΓ«rgjithshme e Tatimeve). Invoices are required to be submitted to be validated and get assigned a unique code known as the NIVF. Subsequently, the DPT generates PDF invoices containing a QR code that incorporates the NIVF code. Users can download or print these invoices directly from the CIS platform. 

Partner Solutions

Cloudbeds does not currently have an automated solution in place; however, we are looking to solve this soon.


Disclaimer: Please note that this is for information purposes only. It does not constitute a legally binding document so you should also consult your local requirements.



Faturimi elektronik

Mandatet aktuale

Qeveria Shqiptare kΓ«rkon deklarimin nΓ« kohΓ« reale tΓ« faturave B2B dhe B2C pranΓ« DrejtorisΓ« sΓ« PΓ«rgjithshme tΓ« Tatimeve (DPT). Faturat duhet tΓ« dorΓ«zohen pΓ«r t’u vΓ«rtetuar dhe pΓ«r t’iu caktuar njΓ« kod unik i njohur si NIVF. MΓ« pas, DPT gjeneron fatura nΓ« format PDF qΓ« pΓ«rmbajnΓ« njΓ« kod QR dhe qΓ« pΓ«rfshin kodin NIVF. PΓ«rdoruesit mund t’i shkarkojnΓ« ose printojnΓ« kΓ«to fatura direkt nga platforma CIS.


Software tΓ« intreguar

Aktualisht, Cloudbeds nuk ka njΓ« metodΓ« tΓ« automatizuar; megjithatΓ«, ne po kΓ«rkojmΓ« njΓ« zgjidhje sa mΓ« shpejti.


Mohim pΓ«rgjegjΓ«sie: Ju lutemi vini re se kjo faqe Γ«shtΓ« krijuar vetΓ«m pΓ«r qΓ«llime informative dhe nuk pΓ«rbΓ«n njΓ« dokument ligjΓ«risht tΓ« detyrueshΓ«m. Ju kΓ«shillojmΓ« tΓ« konsultoni normat dhe kΓ«rkesat nga qeveria dhe ligjvΓ«nΓ«sit lokal.

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