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cloudbeds referal

Refer a new property and get up to $1000 in Cloudbeds credits

Know a property that could benefit from Cloudbeds? Submit a referal and receive up to $1000 credit (or equivalent in your billing currency) applied directly to your billing account for every new customer that signs up!
Who qualifies for the reward?
The referral offer is only available to current Cloudbeds customers.
What are the restrictions?
Referrals cannot be existing customers or previous customers that have had Cloudbeds within the last year. Referrals cannot be used to add additional properties to an existing Cloudbeds customer account.
How is my account credited?
The referral reward amount and the way it is credited is based on the size of the property being referred:
  • 1 to 10 rooms: $100 USD (or equivalent) after your referred property reaches 60 days of paid subscription with Cloudbeds.
  • 11 to 40 rooms: up to $800 USD (or equivalent) after your referred property reaches 60 days of paid subscription with Cloudbeds.
  • 41+ rooms: up to $1000 USD (or equivalent) in two installments:
    • 40% credited after your referred property has completed onboarding with Cloudbeds.
    • Remaining 60% credited once your referred property reaches six months of paid subscription with Cloudbeds.
Thank you for your referral.
Our sales team will reach out to your referral soon. The credit will be applied to your account according to the program’s terms and conditions.
Looks like we already have that email in our system as a current user or lead.
Do you have another referral you want to try to submit?
  • The Email on your Cloudbeds account
  • Referral Information
All fields required*
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3033 5th Ave. Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92103
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